Create your own vocabulary

Tailor content based on your requirements. You can build text-, image- or audio-based questions.

Use our shared library or create new lessons using the built-in word/question editor screen.

To import an lessons in Excel or CSV format use template file.

Learn faster by combining different methods

VoCard application offers multiple learning (singl/multiple-selection, input or match pairs) modes including the option to use timer or countdown to test yourself before the real test battle.

We also encourage you to combine our application with other study techniques like reading books, watching videos or other apps like Duo... you know it.

Feel free to play with the settings and adjust them to your mood.

Unlimited learning

Don't rush yourself, focus on results. Although we show some ads we'll never interrupt your learning session.

When a mistake occurs, continue.

Empowered by algorithms, the application knows when to give you a second attempt.

VoCard application does not require a constant internet connection (except for "Shared lessons" feature). So it is okay to use it while traveling, even on the plane.